315 research outputs found

    The Most Suitable 5G Simulator Scenarios for Lab as a Service (LaaS) in Higher Education

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    The 5G System is being developed and enhanced to provide unparalleled connectivity to connect everyone and everything, everywhere. 5G technology use cases depicts the prospects of 5G network model to revolutionize Industry and Education is not an exception . To catch up with the latest technology in the higher education environment there’s a need to have 5G Lab as a Service (LaaS) in education to simulate the real network experience. The software is the key to this generation as the virtualization, modularity and abstraction become more popular in the implementation and that the cloud computing is nowadays becoming the trend of technology. This paper presents a software selection between free5gc, magma and open5gs program. The 5G lab located in Jakarta Indonesia has the ability where in physical and virtual resources can be accessed and managed from any location in the world. Free5gc opensource software solution is the most suitable software which can be used as LaaS in Higher Education laboratory. With a LaaS, we can configuration, connection, and troubleshoot 5G infrastructure including radio access networks, core networks, and transportation networks


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    Kompetensi guru merupakan salah satu foktor utama dalam kesuksesan pembelajaran bahasa arab. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) hubungan antara profesionalitas guru dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas X-bahasa SMA Negeri 04 Kota Bima, 2) seberapa besar hubungan antara profesionalitas guru dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas X – bahasa SMA Negeri 04 Kota Bima. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kuantitatif korelasional, populasi penelitian siswa SMA Negeri 04 Kota Bima dengan sampel siswa kelas X-Bahasa sebanyak 26 siswa. Pengumpulan data digunakan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, angket dan dokumentasi. Data penelitian yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian. Berdasakan hasil penelitian dan pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang cukup kuat antara profesionalitas guru Bahasa Arab dengan hasi belajar siswa kelas X-Bahasa SMA Negeri 04 Kota Bima. dengan nilai rhitung > rtabel pada taraf signifikasi 0,05  yaitu 0,413 > 0,388.  Hal ini dibuktikan setelah dibandingkan antara nilai rhitung > prtabel, maka dapat diketahui bahwa hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima dan hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak.  Besarnya tingkat signifikasi antara profesionalitas guru Bahasa Arab dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas X-bahasa SMA Negeri 04 Kota Bima diperoleh dengan nilai thitung > ttabel  atau 2,221 > 2,063, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa antara profesionalitas guru Bahasa Arab dengan hasil belajar siswa kelas X-bahasa SMA Negeri 04 Kota Bima adalah signifikan dan tergolong dalam kategori yang cukup dengan nilai koefisien sebesar 17,05%

    A Look at Language Learning Strategies of Indonesian High School Students as Foreign Language Learners

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    Abstract: A look at Language Learning Strategies of Indonesian High School Students as Foreign Language Learners. Objective: This study analyzed Indonesian high school student’s choice of language learning strategies as EFL users, predominantly determining the most frequently used strategies. By understanding learning strategies, it can help EFL students to accelerate their language learning. Methods: One hundred and forty Darul Hasan high school students of Padangsidimpuan participated in this survey. All grades from 2020/2021 participated in this survey study. The Oxford’s strategy inventory for language learning (SILL) translated version was implemented to decide their learning strategies. Findings: The result showed that the students are medium strategy users. The affective strategy was found to be the most dominant strategy used by the students. The students do not seem aware that learning strategies were a part of their learning process. Conclusion: The students and teachers need to improve the learning language strategy for a better learning process.Keywords: language learning strategy, Oxford’s strategy inventory for language learning, survey method.Abstrak: Tinjauan Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Siswa SMA Indonesia sebagai Pembelajar Bahasa Asing. Tujuan: Penelitian ini menganalisis pilihan strategi pembelajaran bahasa oleh siswa SMA Indonesia sebagai pengguna EFL, terutama menentukan strategi yang paling sering digunakan siswa. Dengan memahami strategi pembelajaran, dapat membantu siswa EFL untuk mempercepat pembelajaran bahasa mereka. Metode: Seratus empat puluh siswa SMA Darul Hasan Padangsidimpuan, berpartisipasi dalam studi survei ini. Semua tingkatan 2020/2021 berpartisipasi di penelitian ini. Terjemahan inventaris strategi Oxford untuk pembelajaran bahasa (SILL) diterapkan untuk memutuskan strategi pembelajaran mereka. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa adalah pengguna strategi sedang. Strategi afektif adalah yang paling dominan. Para siswa tidak menyadari strategi pembelajaran adalah bagian dari proses belajar. Kesimpulan: Para siswa dan guru perlu meningkatkan strategi pembelajaran bahasa untuk proses pembelajaran yang lebih baik.Kata kunci: strategi pembelajaran bahasa, Oxford’s strategy inventory for language learning, metode survei.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v11.i2.20201

    The Potency and Use of Tamarindus indica on Various Therapies

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    The use of natural materials for medical purposes is still being conducted by the public. One of the natural substances that are believed to play a role in health is Tamarindus indica. In Indonesia, the material is referred to as "asam jawa". The usefulness of Tamarindus indica in health have been widely trusted by the world community that led to the development of various researches, ranging from in order to know the content and active ingredients of Tamarindus indica  that may have potential until the mechanism of its role in a variety of conditions in the body. The studies even developed on Tamarindus indica's possible role in the inhibition of cancer. The purpose of this paper is to add our knowledge regarding the use and role of Tamarindus indica in a variety of therapeutic efforts

    Range expansion method on heterogeneous network to increase picocell coverage

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    In this study, picocell planning was carried out on heterogeneous networks by applying the range expansion method. The case study was conducted in Coblong Subdistrict-Bandung on the 1800 MHz frequency. Heterogeneous network (HetNet) is a system that combines microcell networks and small cell networks (picocell and femtocell). The application of the range expansion method in picocell was aimed to broaden the scope of picocell. For the simulation, Atoll 3.3.0 software with observational parameters was implemented, including RSRP, SINR, throughput, and user connected. The planning results showed that the application of expansion method increased the coverage and quality of network, where the RSRP value ≥ -90 dBm was 97.72%, SINR ≥ 5 dB was 70.99%, uplink throughput was 17.80 Mbps, downlink throughput was 21.37 Mbps, and user connected was 99.2%

    Interactive Learning Media for Cellular Communication Systems using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle Model

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    Based on the observations conducted to the students of Diploma of Telecommunications Engineering Telkom University. It revealed that the students have difficulty learning and understanding the chapters of call processing and network optimization in the course of cellular communication systems. It has resulted from the current learning media, which are only in the form of textbooks and Powerpoint slides considered less attractive. Hence, the learning process becomes ineffective and has an impact on low learning outcomes. In this study, an interactive learning media was designed with the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method, Adobe Flash professional CS6 software, using the action script 2.0 programming language. Learning media were designed according to users’ needs and learning outcomes of cellular communication system courses. Based on the testing results, the functionality showed 100% of features function as design specifications. Meanwhile, the user satisfaction testing results obtained an average MOS of 4.73, which means that the learning media is classified great. Furthermore, based on the quantitative testing, the average value of Quiz after using this interactive learning media was 81, which means that the learning media can increase students’ interest so that it affects the increase in learning outcomes by 66% from previous years

    Increasing LTE-Advanced Network Capacity Using The Inter-band Carrier Aggregation (Downlink Side) Method

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    According to the identification of the Operating Support System (OSS) by the Smartfren cellular operator in the Central Bandung area, six sites are found to have high traffic capacity with the physical resource block (PRb) percentage of 82.6 %. The use of PRb > 80 % is included in the warning indicator 2 based on the operator’s standards. It is also strengthened by the condition of the existing sites with the average Reference Signal Receive Power (RSRP) of -103.3 dBm, Signal to Interference Noise Ratio (SINR) of 6.28 dB, and throughput of 27.78 Mbps, thus resulting in non-optimal network performance in the area. Therefore, in this study, the inter-band Carrier Aggregation (CA) was applied by combining the 40 Time Division Duplex (TDD) band (2300 MHz) and band 5 Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) (850 MHz). One of the advantages of applying this method is that it can increase the user network capacity by maximizing the resources owned by the operator.  The predetermined scenario taking into account the initial network condition indicated a decrease in the PRb percentage by 44.50 % and an increase in the average RSRP value by 12.8 dBm, SINR by 5.14 dB, and throughput by 34.59 Mbps.According to the identification of the Operating Support System (OSS) by the Smartfren cellular operator in the Central Bandung area, six sites are found to have high traffic capacity with the physical resource block (PRb) percentage of 82.6%. The use of PRb > 80% is included in the warning indicator 2 based on the operator’s standards. This is also strengthened by the condition of the existing sites with the average Reference Signal Receive Power (RSRP) of -103.3 dBm, Signal to Interference Noise Ratio (SINR) of 6.28 dB, and throughput of 27.78 Mbps, thus resulting in non-optimal network performance in the area. Therefore, in this study, the Inter-band Carrier Aggregation (CA) was applied by combining the 40 Time Division Duplex (TDD) band (2300 MHz) and band 5 Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) (850 MHz). One of the advantages of applying this method is that it can increase the user network capacity by maximizing the resources owned by the operator.  The predetermined scenario taking into account the initial network condition indicated a decrease in the PRb percentage by 44.50% and an increase in the average RSRP value by 12.8 dBm, SINR by 5.14 dB, and throughput by 34.59 Mbps

    Implementasi pendidikan multikultural berbasis nilai ketuhanan dan nilai persatuan untuk peningkatan karakter toleransi

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    Pendidikan multikultural merupakan sarana untuk mendidik seseorang agar dapat hidup berdampingan dengan orang lain dengan latar belakang yang berbeda untuk mencapai kerukunan, ketertiban, dan kedamaian. SMP Negeri 4 Sungailiat merupakan salah satu sekolah menengah pertama yang memasukkan studi kasus tentang penggabungan kelas. Ada dua jenis kelas yang ada di SMP Negeri 4 Sungailiat yaitu kelas yang terdiri dari beberapa agama dan kelas yang hanya terdiri dari satu agama saja.  Hal ini bertujuan untuk proses pendidikan multikultural yang berbasis nilai ketuhanan dan nilai persatuan dalam peningkatan karakter toleransi. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis tentang strategi implementasi terkait pendidikan multikultural berbasis nilai ketuhanan dan persatuan dalam peningkatan kerakter toleransi di SMP Negeri 4 Sungailiat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif- deskriptif. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 4 Sungailiat. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara dan teknik observasi. Subjek penelitian ada enam orang. Proses analisis data terdiri dari tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan bahwa adanya suatu strategi untuk implementasi pendidikan karakter berbasis nilai ketuhanan dan nilai persatuan untuk peningkatan karakter toleransi. Adapun strategi implementasi yang dilakukan oleh SMP Negeri 4 Sungailiat yaitu penanaman kognitif tentang pendidikan multikultural berbasis nilai ketuhanan dan nilai persatuan, sikap terkait permasalahan pendidikan multikultural berbasis nilai ketuhanan dan nilai persatuan, tindakan dari aktualiasasi proses pendidikan multikultural berbasis nilai ketuhanan dan nilai persatuan, pembiasaan untuk bertindak pendidikan multikultural berbasis nilai ketuhanan dan nilai persatuan, dan terbentuknya karakter toleransi
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